Consistent, Predictable Growth
Tired of the uncertainty? Learn proven strategies to ensure your business grows steadily, month after month—no matter the season.
Turn Customers Into Raving Fans
Discover how to build a loyal client base that not only sticks with you but refers your business to others—boosting your sales without extra effort.
Master the Art of Selling Without the Stress
Joe Crisara’s step-by-step approach shows you how to confidently close more deals without feeling pushy or desperate.
"Read it and prosper!"
I know Joe’s solutions are proven because he has helped me provide the highest level of service to my customers, resulting in sales and income I never dreamed were possible. Read it and prosper!
—Rick Picard, HVAC specialist
"Joe has done so much for me..."
Uncle Joe has done so much for me, my team, and our trade as a whole. Now he gives us this manual for sales success that’s within reach of anyone wanting to better themselves and their client experiences. —Travis Smith, President of Sky Heating, AC, Plumbing & Electrical
"Highly recommend this"
If you’re looking for a trusted playbook to run a successful home service company, Joe delivers. His years of experience, tactics, and beliefs... are right in this book.—Chris Yano, CEO of RYNO Strategic Solutions
"Helped our business immensely..."
Joe and his teachings have helped our business immensely! His approach to providing the best possible customer service is something that any business can benefit from and use to take their service to the next level. —Chad Peterman, President and CEO of Peterman Brothers
"Read this book and prosper in sales..."
With one simple question—‘What should we do?’—Joe Crisara embodies selling with integrity in the modern age. Read this book and prosper in sales.”
—Brian Bohannan, VP at JB Warranties
"Practical steps..."
Joe starts with helping contractors mentally believe they can hit new goals, and then he spells out the practical steps to elevating the trajectory of their business. — Tom Howard, VP at ServiceTitan
"He knows how to make others succeed..."
From $471,000 of debt to completely debt-free within five years, Joe Crisara has achieved success he never dreamed possible by applying timeless success principles. He knows how to make others succeed by magnifying their income as service providers. —Jack Canfield, International Best-selling Author
"You’ve got to read this book..."
“For every home service salesperson competing on price: you’ve got to read this book. In just the first few pages, you’ll get paradigm shifts that can change the trajectory of your life.”.
— Amanda Holmes, co-author of the bestseller, The Ultimate Sales Machine
"This book will help you make more money..."
“Warning: This book contains valuable, actionable information. There are no fluffy ‘guru’ concepts here. So grab a highlighter and pen... because this book will help you make more money.” — Landon Brewer, CEO of PRIME Platform
I’ve spent over 40 years in this industry—starting out in the field as a contractor, just like you.
I’ve been where you are: struggling with clients who push back on pricing, facing slow seasons where you’re constantly worried about making ends meet, and wondering how the heck to grow a business when it feels like you’re already giving everything you’ve got.
But here’s the thing—I discovered that the problem isn’t your work ethic. It’s not your technical skills. It’s the system you’re following (or maybe not following at all).
In What Should We Do?, I’m not just giving you another theory. This is the exact blueprint I’ve used to help thousands of contractors like yourself transform their businesses—from feast-or-famine chaos to a consistent, profitable machine.
You’ll learn how to charge what you’re worth, close more deals without the stress, and build lasting relationships with clients who actually want to pay you top dollar.
This book isn’t about working harder; it’s about working smarter. If you’re ready to stop feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel and start seeing predictable growth, What Should We Do? is the roadmap to get you there.
It’s time to take control of your business and your life. Let’s do this together.
Joe Crisara
I will mail you my 458-page Amazon best-selling book, "What Should We Do" and have it shipped to your door ASAP.
You could go to Amazon right now and pay $25.99... or you can get it here and save $16.02. It's a no-brainer.
Well, there are actually a few reasons...
First - it's my way of saying THANK YOU for what you do. (Most business owners don't hear this enough.)
Second - I've been in the industry for over 24 years and have coached over 7,000 small business owners... which has given me a wealth of insight into what works (and what doesn't).
And I've packaged all of that learning - all of the tactics, tools, and easy-to-apply principles - into this book.
Third - Once you see how incredible this book is and how it can change your business overnight... I hope you'll get excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
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But here's the best part: I guarantee you'll love this book, or I'll refund your $9.95 shipping fee and let you keep the book.
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